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Are You Struggling With These Issues?


  • Awesome concept but need help packaging it for the right audience?

  • How should we be seen and heard in the world?

  • Dreams of establishing in New York or in Sweden?

  • Does the office need to be moved? Redesigned?

  • Looking for new spaces?

  • The vision clear but lacking a roadmap?

  • Need a project manager for your new task?


Get Ready for Success

We offer a one stop shop for everything that includes concept development, design and establishment in Sweden and New York. We are your tenant rep,       so that you can continue to focus on what you do best.

office space



I am a driven serial entrepreneur who devotes my entire professional life to the creation and operation of new companies and operations, both within Sweden and New York. After 15 exciting years as founder and CEO of the Swedish cafe chain FIKA, I have built up a network of contacts all over the US, and through this network have been able to assist several companies in establishing themselves on the American market. I help my clients with everything from finding the ultimate venue, contract writing and building engineers, as well as navigating current laws and regulations and the many permits that are often required. With my solid experience in scaling and streamlining companies in the F&B industry. Today I mainly work as a consultant but also as a Tenant Rep for several Swedish companies in various industries.


My strength lies in helping companies of different sizes understand how to maximize their capacity, the importance of constantly adapting to deal with different challenges, as well as how to build a strong brand and establish a concept with the intention of national or international. My passion is simply to find and choose the right path in all the challenges, opportunities and adventures an entrepreneurial life inevitably offers.

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